Scroll down for some of my most recent design and development projects.

Table of Content is a full-service production company that is dedicated to building brands through informative, entertaining, and educational stories. Every product they create tells a unique story, and is told from a distinctive point of view. They approached me to code a very specific and complex site structure for their redesign, and the process was really challenging and inspiring.

The key was to keep their message strong and their point of view unique— they didn’t want to feel like other agencies out there. Everything from the font choice to the functionality gives this project it’s singular spin.


The client had a goal of utilizing a filtered and styled version of google maps in order to direct potential customers to the best bars and restaurants in their area of New York City. Now the creative team can update this whenever they want, by simply plugging in an address and writing a few lines of copy.


It was a necessity that the new site be easy to update from the road. Table of Content utilizes their Vimeo Pro account to the fullest extent, and they wanted their site to be an extension of that already abundent online portfolio. Now, the team can update their website in the time it takes to type in a Vimeo URL.


The goal was to have each page of the site exist on a horizontal plane that a site visitor could "slide" back and forth. It was important to make this layout and functionality feel fluid, while not too loose. The finished product makes for an exceptional user experience.

  • fully responsive

    An adaptable design layout that adjusts to all screen and device sizes, from portrait orientation on a phone, to landscape on a large display screen.

  • embedded vimeo

    An embedded Vimeo Pro portfolio lets the client quickly and easily update video content throughout the site within minutes.

  • easily updatable

    All the content is aggregated through custom PHP, allowing for the client to update their site through a wordpress editor in a few clicks.